Admission to the Master's Degree Program in Business Consulting and Management requires:
- possession of a bachelor's degree of class L-18 or L-33 or a university diploma of three-year duration obtained throughout the national territory or another degree obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, which guarantees direct access to the Master's Degree Course;
- the acquisition in the previous career of at least 104 CFU in the following subject areas:
(a) no. 34 CFU in business (SECS-P/07; SECS-P/08; SECS-P/09; SECS-P/10; SECS-P/11; SECS-P/13; AGR/01);
(b) No. 24 CFUs in the field of economics (SECS-P/01; SECS-P/02; SECS-P/03; SECS-P/06; SECS-P/12; MGGR/01; MGGR/02);
(c) No. 24 CFUs in the field of law (IUS/01; IUS /04; IUS/05; IUS /06; IUS/07; IUS/09; IUS/10; IUS/12; IUS/14);
(d) 22 CFUs in mathematics-statistics (SECS-S/01; SECS-S/03; SECS-S/04; SECS-S/05; SECS-S/06; MAT/05; MAT/06; INF/01; INF/05).
The verification of the student's preparation (ex art. 6, paragraph 2 of Ministerial Decree 270/04) is carried out, after matriculation, by a special Commission appointed within the CdS. 3. The verification is considered passed for those who have obtained a bachelor's degree grade of more than 94/110 and a level of English language proficiency of not less than B1, attested by the passing of exams or university qualifying tests, or by European or internationally recognized certificates. 4. In the event that the verification reveals deficiencies in preparation, the Degree Council, upon the proposal of the Commission, identifies supplementary courses within the master's degree dependent on the result of the verification of personal preparation, which must in any case lead to the achievement of the master's degree with 120 CFU, without additional educational activities.
To verify the fulfillment of the minimum curricular requirements, the student may use, for personal purposes only, the file in "Attachments."
The interviews will be held on January 30, 2023 at 10:30 a.m., Room No. 28 - 1st floor Department of Economics.