Internship and stage

Training and internship instructions

Each CFU accounts for 25 hours of internship (e.g. in order to get 3 CFU you need to do 75 hours of internship). The internship should be performed during the semester indicated in your study plan. If you wish to anticipate the internship you should first ask the course coordinator.

Before the internship

The hosting organization needs to sign an agreement with the University (so please check before starting the internship whether the organization already has an agreement or not). In order to sign a new agreement, you should contact Once the agreement between the University and the hosting organisation has been signed, the student should send to the office (ground floor - or the “Training and internship project” form filled (attached). After these steps, the students can start their internships.

After the internship

Once the internship is over, the student should send to the office: - A certificate signed by the hosting organisation in which it declares the completion of the internship - A register of the activities performed (date, time, activity) signed by the student and the host organization - Two satisfaction questionnaires (host organization and student experience).

Working and entrepreneurial activities can be recognized as internships.

For more information and/or clarifications, contact the GROUND FLOOR room n. 8 Via dei Verdi n. 75 - 98122 Messina.

Delegate teacher for training and internship programme: Guido Noto (