Research Seminar: "The Impact of BlockChain in Consumer Behavior"


Nell'ambito del Dottorato di Ricerca in Economics, Management and Statistics si terrà, giovedì 2 febbraio alle ore 17:00 su Microsoft Teams, il Research Seminar: The Impact of BlockChain in Consumer Behavior tenuto dal dott. Marco Mazzù, LUISS Business School, Italy.

Link per la partecipazione


“Blockchain technology (BT) has been increasingly utilized in multiple businesses to validate the reliability of information related to ingredients and components and to support the full traceability of end-products. However, it has not yet been widely used in the context of food, even if consumers are becoming more and more interested in provenance, processes and ethical practices associated with what they are eating.

In this context, BT-based solution might (a) provide “consumer protection” creating digital records of purchases and (b) “move” product warranties from paper onto the cloud via blockchain, keeping them up-to-date and easily easily accessible through, e.g., QR code.

This research seminar focus on the outcomes of a series of experiments aiming at contributing to the discussion on how to use the strength of BT, by delving in the issue of understanding the impact of ready-available transparency of blockchain-certified information available on packaging on the consumers perception of food healthiness and of taste/ flavor, the impact on product purchase intention and WOM intention, and the possible variation among countries or food categories”